Friday, September 3, 2010

Gold Cup

In a previous post, I said that my "hometown" team had a tough match coming up. I wish I could have watched - the result has been posted on Bridge Great Britain. My guys won by the magnificent margin of 1 IMP. Hearty congratulations to the Nick Stevens team.


Paul Gipson said...

A very good win as Collins lost the final last year (by 22 imps) and were also losing finalists in 2008 (when they lost by 1 imp).

I guess they will play their quarter-final down south, but if they win then I'll see them in Peebles in December for the semifinal and final - as I am playing in the Congress that runs alongside.

Richard09 said...

I don't suppose there's any easy meat left in the competition by this stage, but Collins are among the toughest of the tough, for sure.