Sunday, February 19, 2012

"New" system

Since Agent 99 and myself had such a long hiatus, it was natural that when we returned to play that our bidding would change to reflect what had been happening. So here is where we are now.

We are playing 2/1 Game Force “except when suit rebid”. The way I'm interpreting that is very restricted. Sequences
1major – 2C; 2any – 3C; and
1major – 2D; 2any – 3D;
are not forcing: Responder is showing a 6+card suit, 10-11hcp.
The sequence 1D – 2C; is also not game-forcing, for reasons I commented on years ago.
All other sequences that begin with a 2/1 response are unconditionally forcing to game.

We play the 1NT response to 1major as forcing, with the method sometimes called Bart after 1S – 1NT; 2C.

We play inverted minor suit raises, and use the “criss-cross” raises (jump-shift to the other minor) to show a mixed raise.

We play the weak NT (12-14 in all seats) with 4-suit transfers. Five card majors are quite acceptable, and 5-3-3-2 hands with 11-13hcp should certainly be opened 1NT if they are to be opened at all.

The rebid of 1NT shows 15-17hcp, and the jump rebid 2NT shows 18-19hcp. The 1NT rebid has to be alerted per the ACBL. We use New Minor Forcing after both these rebids to allow Responder to investigate major suit fits when he is invitational-plus.

We play 4th suit forcing to game.

Our main slam-bidding convention is RKCB 1430. We use Redwood when a minor suit has been agreed.

We are playing Support Doubles and Redoubles.

Our defence to 1NT is Lionel.

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