A couple of posts ago, I had a fairly incoherent ramble about jump-shift responses, and I said I thought Reverse Flannery sounded like a fair-to-good idea. Well, Agent 99 and I are now playing it, but in a very abbreviated form. Essentially, 1minor - 2H shows 5 spades and 4 hearts, 6-8hcp. 1minor - 2S shows the same but with 9-11hcp. Neither bid is forcing, and opener is more or less expected to set the contract at his second bid. The only forcing rebid from opener would be 2NT, but we haven't yet defined how responder would reply to that, which sounds a bit odd - how can we play like that? - but the truth is, a detailed description of distribution is not entirely necessary, and the 3-point strength ranges are tight enough that narrowing the range seems a bit superfluous. I guess we'll go with something like:
3C - 5=4=1=3 or 5=4=0=4
3D - 5=4=3=1 or 5=4=4=0
3H - 5=5-2-1 or 5=5-3-0
3S - 6=4-2-1 or 6=4-3-0
3NT - 5=4=2=2
That should be easy enough to remember. And if the 2NT bid implies a fit with one or both majors, plus game interest, that should be the most critical information needed for picking the best game.
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